Newborn Care Specialists.
We deliver expert care for newborn babies and support for their parents.
What is a Newborn Care Specialist?
A Newborn Care Specialist is a specially trained individual who focuses on the complete care of babies in the first 3-4 months. An NCS typically has experience caring for singletons, as well as twins, or triplets.
The goal of an NCS is to provide “hands-on-learning” techniques that help make you as parents, self-sufficient in caring for your newborn. During the first few months, an NCS can establish healthy sleep patterns and assist with baby sleeping through the night and serves as a support for parents.
An NCS is usually hired for 24 hour care, 5-7 days/wk. Although some families will hire an NCS for either 8, 10 or 12 hour daytime or overnight shifts. Depending on your families needs, a contract can last from 2 weeks to 4 months or longer. A Newborn Care Specialist’s rate is between $30-$50/hr. This amount varies based on experience, education, and specialty (singleton or multiples).

We give parents peace of mind and a good night’s rest!
Upon arrival, your NCS is ready to deliver expert care for your newborn baby, provide advice and support for you as new parents.
Peace of Mind.
Welcome to the Family, New Baby!
Overall Infant Care.
A Newborn Care Specialist’s responsibilities will include overseeing an infant’s scheduling, feeding, establish healthy sleep patterns, feed by bottle and/or brings the newborn to its mother if she is breastfeeding. Newborn Care Specialists can help with the following:
Educate and support parents on all areas of baby’s care.
Examples in swaddling techniques that make the baby more comfortable at bedtime.
Create a smooth transition for family during the newborn stage.
Troubleshoot potential issues of concern with the newborn and offer professional options to resolve them.
Assist with baby’s laundry if needed.
Assist the family with any feeding issues they may have, including formula feeding and the facilitation of breastfeeding and be knowledgeable in answering breastfeeding related questions.
Develop a feeding and healthy sleeping routine/patterns for baby.
Soothes babies using skills and proven techniques that help calm newborns.
Circumcision Care
Bottle Preparation (Breast-milk & Formula)
Bottle Cleaning and Steralization
Organization & Maintenance of Nursery
Create a regular feeding schedule
Assist in establishing healthy sleep habits
Maintain a thorough log of eating, sleeping and behavioral patterns
Take over complete care of newborn at night to provide parents time to sleep
Day or Night Newborn Care
During the daytime a Newborn Care Specialist may provide similar care and also strive to create a nurturing and stimulating environment for the baby during waking hours. Both day and night Newborn Care Specialists document the baby’s patterns and keep a log of sleeping, feeding and changing times to assist in transitioning the baby to a regular schedule.
Set Up for Success.
By the end of three months infants should sleep through the night or have healthy sleep patterns and be on regular feeding schedules. As families transition into full-time care, an NCS can provide hands-on training for your new nanny so that consistency in care can continue after her contract ends.